Sunday, January 02, 2011

Rome, Day 4 - New Years Eve (part 1)

Today started off a bit odd -- Claudia woke up after sleeping for only about 4 hours and could not go back to sleep. I woke up and heard her typing away on the computer and reading various blogs. I think about 2 or 3 hours later Claudia went back to sleep. Needless to say, our early start to the day was not so early, but we pushed through just fine. We headed down for breakfast and nourished ourselves for a day we were sure was going to be long...

We headed out on foot to the nearest drug store for a nasal spray as we were both stuffed up, especially Claudia. A few minutes later, nasal spray in hand we were off to the Vatican! We strolled slowly along the streets and a few drops of rain fell on us, but nothing we would need an umbrella for at all. As we approached the Vatican, the streets were crowded and people were on the go. I lost count of how many tour buses were stopped along the street... all empty. However, as you pass all of the shops and enter St. Peter's Square, it was much busier than the other evening, however still tons of area to more around in. We wanted to enter the church, but it was closed until 4:30 for the 6:00 o'clock mass... We headed for the line, and it really was not that long at this point. (Being a former Disneyland ride operator, I've seen longer lines for the tea cups.) So Claudia hung out in line while I scouted around for a ticket window or somewhere for information. I stumbled upon two Vatican security guards and they explained the mass is by ticket only, and all the tickets were free, however were all gone. BUMMER! I headed back to the line and found Claudia and explained to her, and anyone else who heard me speaking English that only if you had a ticket could you get in. Oh well...

Several large Panasonic screens were setup in the square so we decided to hang out in the area and kill some time by taking a leisurely stroll along the shops leading out of the Vatican and towards Castle San Angelo. Street vendors were setup on either side of the walk ways around the castle, and even a small ice skating rink... The vendors were selling books, postcards, various souveniers, and about 30 or 40 guys running around with knock off purses trying to get anyone to buy... until the police showed up and the took off like cockroaches in every direction. As soon as the police left, they were set up again...

We saw several people walking our way with steaming hot cups of what appeared to be hot spiced wine, and we were all about it! It was cold out and anything to warm us up was high on our agenda...We found the stall and a nice man was selling just that... hot spiced wine along with coffee and hot apple cider... all home made and all amazing! He used ginger, spices, fresh apples, oranges... Hot, satisfying and delicious!

After we finished our cups of hot yummy goodness we headed back toward the Vatican, expecting to see a crowded square and very little room around the large screens... but it was still pretty wide open. We both figured it was because it was so cold outside... We watched hordes of people in the line head up to the Vatican steps... but about 20% of them pass the doors and come down the other side. Claudia then says, "Why don't we just get in line... they'll turn us away but you can at least see inside!" I thought why not. We were there to see the Mass, why not catch a quick glimpse until I get a chance to go in and take my time.

We went through security, much like airport security, and headed through the queue... We arrived at the steps and the large doors and security was thick. I could see the amazing columns inside the church and the most elaborate ceiling! I couldn't believe it... I was there... at the front door of the Vatican! Then security pointed us to a side door... we had no ticket. Then we looked over and yes, it was side door... standing room only... FOR THE MASS! Of course we went in! And oh.... my.... goodness. What a sight! I don't think I can explain it! So here are some photos!

We crowded over to a crowd control railing and waited about 15 minutes or so and then we heard a small band perform (all horns.) In front were two sectioned off portions of the church where we figured the Pope and his congregation were lining up behind large curtains. As soon as the curtains opened, people jumped up on the chairs in front of us and we couldn't see the Pope at all. But the energy in the room was intense, so alive... Once the Pope made his way to the front of the church there was lots and lots of singing from the choir, and it was so beautiful!
It must have been about 10 minutes after the Pope was up front when people started getting up from their seats and leaving the church. I just kept thinking, "Why on Earth would you come for only 10 minutes? This is an amazing moment and one that many may not get a chance to partake in!" As more and more people left, I just figured it was because people were really only there to see the Pope, not be a part of the Mass. So Claudia took it upon herself (I'm calling her the instigator now) to scout out a new location, one with less people and not such a bad angle. She found it, still against a rail and still standing... until she said, "Wait here, if you see me over by the chairs, run and catch up with me." So I waited... looked over my shoulder and there was Claudia, near the back rows of chairs, but plenty of room to sit! (Amazing what you can do if you just ask politely.)
Off I went! We sat right down and sat through the entire Mass. It was wonderul. It was something you have to experience just to understand. I can't explain it. It was just... amazing!
We were able to jump a few rows up and get a slightly better view, but even with my lens all the way zoomed to 10x, the Pope was still the size of an ant on my little camera screen. However, as the Mass ended, so many people had left, that it made for a nice opportunity to head up to the guard rail that separates you from the Pope and his congregation. Claudia gave me a push and off I went. Just me, 2 people in front of me, and a guard rail. My arm was already aching from holding my arms up high trying to get pictures and video as you saw above. One man was standing on a chair next to me, I was feet on the floor, and his friend was right in front of me. (I have tried numerous times to post the video -- hence the late posting of this part of the blog, and still it will not load. I'm working on a solution as I type. However for now, you will just have to wait.)
I know... The first thing I said to myself was, "My Mom is going to freak out when she see's this footage!"

I quickly turned to Claudia to replay the video, but we were being asked to leave. Off we went, out the doors, passing all of the nuns, priests, tourists, locals, children, guards, security... and out to the steps of the Vatican's entrance. Immediately to our right was a walkway, several security guards, and about 20 or so people... Claudia then says, "I bet he is going to come out! Go over there quick!" Off we went again! We were standing up on the steps at the guard rail - nothing blocking our view! Then the little white Pope Mobile came rolling out... (Again, problems loading the video - I think the WiFi connections here are timing out because the video's, althought short, were shot in HD so the files are larger and the connection does not like to work that hard. You will have to wait for this one also. I will try again in Florence.)

I know... The first thing I said to myself, for a second time, "My Mom is going to freak out when she see's this footage!"

The Pope slowly made his way down to a large Nativity scene in the square and kneeled before it to pray for quite some time. We moved slowly down the steps and saw a completely vacant section, even closer than we were before right along a guard rail. The large screen showing the Pope's movement was right next to us, so I ducked under it and got a few images of him.

I quickly headed back to my spot as people started catching on to our idea and we waited. It was cold, the wind had picked up, my toes were frozen, my fingers were unbearably cold, but we waited. And nothing could have prepared me more for this... I'm not kidding. I looked right at him. Made eye contact.

He rolled by so slowly, but it happened so fast. This whole day couldn't have been scripted. Nor made up. It was so special, I don't think I can explain what it was like. I just kept smiling... In fact I'm smiling right now while I type this out. I feel truly blessed to have not only traveled to Rome, but to experience this amazing moment. No words can describe it.

And with that... I will write part 2 tomorrow. We rang in the New Year and I want to share that experience with you also, but it will have to wait as it is also a bit of a long segment also... Happy New Year to all!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful New Year's Eve! You are definately eating and enjoying your way through Rome!!
